Hourglass Socioeconomics Principles and Fundamentals outlines the structural framework of a feasible and a thought-out social economic distribution system. Because an entity or nation’s success and continued progress relies on it’s economic input-to-output system, author Blaine Stewart presents a way that facilitates both social and economic growth while minimizing the effects of negative external influence. Economic growth without social sustainability is malignant and can result similarly to growth from radiation exposure. Growth of the social without a sustainable economy is to plant crop in nutrient rich soil without the means to optimize the output. Hourglass is the combination and equal and equitable balance of the two.

The circulation rate of accumulated resources and reciprocal expenditures of a nation characterizes the level of strength and sustainability. A reliable cyclical process allows for movement and distribution of collected resources to and from the citizen population through a funnel of control to maintain continuity and prevent catastrophe or absolution. A simple trickle point is insufficient to describe socioeconomics when a fluid dynamic state takes everything into account. If our funnel control point is flawed in reason and logic then our system itself will be flawed like a small drop of poison or an undetected super bacteria in a fresh stream sending the system spiraling into collapse unable to turn the hourglass.

It will boil down to searching for and pulling our system toward equilibrium; the central goal of optimal balance in value of wealth in equity and equality. Between the front and back cover is a mathematical approach that illustrates the polar opposite present-day economic systems and flaws in their design that could be corrected. Figures and illustrations are presented through models as descriptive characterizations for how value in wealth and control in a distribution system move through the hierarchical class structure. Concepts in other sciences are used as metaphors for understanding.

This book is available online and can be purchased at Writers Republic, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


About the Author

Author Blaine Stewart studied business and computer science in college. He greatly believes in education—whether institutionally or self-learned—and its effectiveness in the search for individual higher understanding, but he also believes education should be tailored to one’s needs as there is no one size that fits all. At twenty-eight years old, he has been a head golf professional and has founded an iOS application, Premise Hunts.

He is based in Bay Area and is highly interested in funding ideas that boosts creativity and is an advocate for encouraging the use of imagination as a way of understanding the world around us. This is his first book.



Hourglass Socioeconomics: Principles & Fundamentals
By Blaine Stewart

Publication Date: July 24, 2020; 122 pages
Paperback $11.23; 9781646203499

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