Just when you thought the heavy lifting of writing your story is over, the publishing phase comes in. It’s only understandable when you don’t know your way around self-publishing. This is why we have gathered the best practices you can remind yourself when you’re caught in between wanting to give up or pursue your lifelong dream.
You’re doing great! Don’t be too hard on yourself. You finished a whole book and not everyone can do that, but you did! Appreciate the hard work you did no matter how much blood and sweat you’ve invested in your draft alone. Remember that each mistake or failure is an opportunity for you to grow. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. Don’t despise the day of small beginnings!
Practice self-care. This can be by going to sleep early, granting yourself some rejuvenating treats, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Give yourself time to rest and grow in the process. Don’t rush. Be more kind to yourself and be at peace with yourself. When you’re at peace or free from unhealthy or toxic emotions, you’re helping your thoughts flow naturally and improve their function.
Keep a journal. If you can’t do it every day, practice by writing it twice a week then move it up to every after day if there’s a consistency. Aside from eliminating writing blocks, it also gives your brain a little stretch when you need them to. It is a healthy writing habit to maintain and a good way to build a connection with your own voice.
Just write. If you feel like your thoughts are not coming through or your mind has gone completely blank, perform some writing prompts to get your mind back on track. If you don’t feel like writing that story today, write anything you have on your mind right now. There’s no right and wrong answer. Don’t let your emotions take control of your decisions.
Accept failures. It’s normal to get cocky or harsh remarks from critics or even by some strangers in social media. Disapproval from the world is a thing and hitting them back won’t make them stop. Stay calm. This is not the best time to let your emotions run you down. Stand firm and take it positively. Every negative remark always has an element of truth. Take it from there and maintain a positive attitude towards anything going against you.
Lastly, as a first-time writer, the best practice you can keep is to consult experienced authors and reputed publishers in the industry. Get mentored and do all possible coaching you can. Don’t isolate yourself and talk to your friends. Ask them opinions about your book. Don’t be afraid to test the waters. You’re going to be fine so enjoy the ride!